
Research Units and Investigators

The KURAMi Project involves three Italian Research Units: the University of Turin (UNITO), the University of Milan, La Statale (UNIMI), and the University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB).


This Research Unit, which expresses the project Principal Investigator (PI), Prof. Luigi di Caro, has experience in Natural Language Processing through data-driven and knowledge-based methodologies applied to different tasks such as information extraction, semantic indexing, and search, making use of recent Deep Learning techniques and human-computer interaction models. UNITO participates in all activities of the project and leads the activity on knowledge processing and injection.

Luigi Di Caro

He is an Associate Professor since 2022 at the University of Turin where he is affiliated with the Department of Computer Science. He has a Master's degree and a Ph.D. in Computer Science, and his main interests include Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Data Mining (DM), Machine Learning (ML), Legal Informatics (LI) and related interdisciplinary interactions with Cognitive Sciences (CS) and social-impact applications. He published more than 80 papers in several research areas and he has an H-Index of 19 on Google Scholar (15 o Scopus). Luigi Di Caro has active international collaborations with more than 50 people in different countries and leads the NLP activities within the “Social Computing” research group of the Department of Computer Science, where he has been the supervisor of 11 Ph.D. students. Luigi Di Caro is also on the academic board of the Joint International Doctoral Degree in Law, Science, and Technology. About the technological transfer, he co-produced a patent with Telecom Italia Lab and entered as a partner in a spinoff of the University of Turin (Nomotika s.r.l.) on NLP-based supporting tools for the work of legal practitioners. He is a senior member of prestigious program committees such as IJCAI (CORE=A++), AAAI (CORE=A++), and ACL (CORE=A++), and reviews papers for leading journals such as the Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IF: 3.034), the Journal of Information Sciences (IF: 4.305), and the Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems (IF: 2.247). He currently coordinates/coordinated 6 European research projects at different degrees: 1 at the project level (total budget: 868,719 euros), 4 at the partner level (total budget: 238,000 euros), and 1 at the task level. He also coordinated national projects with a total budget of 74,000 euros.


This Research Unit, which expresses the project deputy PI, Prof. Giovanni Livraga, has experience in data protection, privacy, and security, and in modeling and enforcing protection requirements in complex scenarios. UNIMI participates in all activities of the project and leads the activity on the definition of knowledge-based models for the controlled release of private data.

Giovanni Livraga

He is an Associate Professor at the University of Milan since 2022, where he is affiliated with the Computer Science Department. At the University of Milan, he acquired a Ph.D. in Computer Science (March 2014), an MSc degree in Computer Science, and a BSc degree in Network and System Security. His PhD thesis “Preserving Privacy in Data Release” received the ERCIM STM WG 2015 award for the best Ph.D. thesis on Security and Trust Management in a European university. He has been a visiting scholar at George Mason University (USA), Center for Secure Information Systems, in the 2011, 2012, and 2013 summers. From July 2010 to December 2010 he held a position at the University of Milan as a research collaborator. From October 2009 to July 2010 he joined the Sophia Antipolis Research Center of SAP Labs France, collaborating in the context of the EU project PrimeLife. His research interests are in the area of data protection, privacy, and security, in release, publication, outsourcing, and emerging scenarios. On these topics, he has published more than 50 scientific contributions, and he has participated in several national and international projects, funded by private companies, the Italian MUR, and the EC. On the same topics, he has been invited to give talks and seminars, including a seminar at the 4EU+ European University Alliance (Series of seminars on Privacy and Data Protection, 2022), an invited talk at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy (2016), and an invited talk at STM 2015. He has been involved, at different responsibility levels, in the organization of several international research and scientific Initiatives. He has been serving as Program Chair for five international conferences and workshops, as Program Committee Member for more than 180 international conferences and workshops, as Publicity Chair for more than 30 international conferences and workshops, and as Reviewer for more than 40 international conferences and workshops. He is Associate Editor for Array, Elsevier, and was a Guest Editor for the Data and Applications Security and Privacy 2017 Special Issue in the Journal of Computer Security (JCS). He is regularly invited to review scientific papers submitted to ACM and IEEE Transactions (including ACM TODS, ACM TWEB, IEEE TCC, IEEE TC, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TETC, IEEE TSC) and flagship international journals published, among others, by IEEE, ACM, IoS Press, Springer, and Elsevier.


This Research Unit, represented by the project Associate Investigator, Prof. Marco Viviani, has been working in the last years on the problem of access and retrieval of information in online environments, in particular focusing on the analysis of the problem of access to genuine information by users, also to increase social good. UNIMIB participates in all activities of the project and leads the activity on the definition of knowledge-based models for informed access to genuine content.

Marco Viviani

He is an Associate Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca since 2021, where he is affiliated with the Department of Informatics, Systems, and Communication (DISCo). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Milan (2008) and subsequently carried out his research activity both in Italy and abroad: University of Burgundy, Dijon, France (2009), Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Lyon, France (2010-2011), University of Insubria, Varese, Italy (2012-2013). He has been and is involved in several Research Projects both at the national and international levels. He is currently involved in a couple of EU Horizon 2020 ITN/ETN Projects, i.e., the DoSSIER Project ( and the LEMUR Project (, and in a PRIN 2019 Project (PerLIR: Personal Linguistic resources in Information Retrieval). His main research activities include Social Computing, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Trust and Reputation Management, and User Modeling. On these topics, he has published more than 80 research works in International Journals, at International Conferences, as Monographs, and Book Chapters. He has been and is involved in the organization of several Research Initiatives at the international level. He was General Co-chair of MDAI 2019 and organized several Workshops and Special Tracks at International Conferences related to Information Access and Information Genuineness Assessment, including several editions of ROMCIR: Workshop on Reducing Online Misinformation through Credible Information Retrieval ( at the European Conference on Information Retrieval. He is involved in several Editorial Activities. Among others, he is an Associate Editor of "Social Network Analysis and Mining", an Editorial Board Member of "Online Social Networks and Media", and a Guest Editor of several Special Issues in International Journals.